SOLID Example of Media Bias
Culture 4:05 PM
If you honestly believe that the airwaves are agenda-free, you aren't paying attention.
This is General Electric's plan to influence elections and make money from the outcome. Is this change we can believe in?
This is General Electric's plan to influence elections and make money from the outcome. Is this change we can believe in?
really? you get your news from bill o'reilly and laura ingraham now?
let alone the personalities involved but fox news made more money off the bush administration than anyone ever thought imaginable.
when did you becomesuch a right winger?
when do we get the post criticizing the republicans for continuing to filibuster any number of positions including the head of health and human services amidst this crisis. also, a post might be nice condemning them for demanding the stim be stripped of 900 million in flu/pandemic control.
can't wait to see that, mr. "media is biased but im not"