Hypocrisy of Presidential Proportions

by Nick Stone of Drawnlines Politics.

Hypocrisy from the White House has reached stunning heights, beginning and ending with the president himself.

Sunday’s Sun-Sentinel ran an article titled: “President’s plea: Let’s be more civil. Obama wants political debate to tone down.” But even while sounding the admirable call, the president himself has committed unforgivable transgressions against his own pledge.

Editorial after editorial in practically any newspaper or magazine across America touts the historic divisions between Washington and the public in present times, but President Obama’s Michigan speech declares, “When government is spoken of as some menacing, threatening foreign entity, it ignores the fact that in our democracy, government is us.” That’s true, only if by “us”, he means Pelosi, Reid, and the Obama team. The rest of America feels intense alienation from their government.

Last week’s WSJ editorial board scathingly declared that this president has used divisiveness, name calling and finger pointing “more than any other president in memory.” His use of straw men, outrageous examples, double standards and outright lies has certainly gone beyond that of other public figures of our time. Indeed, we need not reach far into history to consider examples of his hypocrisy. In the very Michigan speech admonishing political hyperbole the president said, “What troubles me is when I hear people say that all of government is inherently bad.” By people, he obviously meant Republicans – and his statement is a blatant mischaracterization of the arguments against his policies. No credible representative of the GOP has said that all government is bad.

President Obama’s disconnect from reality was on full display during the recent health care pitch. A flabbergasted congressman shouted at Mr. Obama after he claimed a statistic of 47 million uninsured Americans, which can only be mathematically achieved by including illegal aliens. The president boldly dismissed “false” claims by Republican representatives that the bill, which at the time clearly included coverage to aliens, would not do so. However awkward and inconsiderate, Joe Wilson was probably correct when he shouted “you lie” at President Obama.

The president asked for bipartisan ideas. Republicans brought them. While Republicans cried out in support of malpractice insurance reform, they were ignored. While they urged the majority to break down state barriers, they were scoffed at. While they argued reconsideration of various mandates and standards, they were silenced. Any and all Republican proposals were thrown in the garbage. Then the president derided Republicans as “voices against reform, and for the status quo.”

During the health care roundtable with Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill, the president nearly blew a gasket when confronted with inconvenient facts. He interrupted and browbeat Senator McCain for reminding the president of his campaign pledges. Senator Lamar Alexander reminded the president that according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, Americans would actually see an increase in health premiums under Obamacare. He hollered back at Senator Alexander, “it’s important that we get our facts right.” Yes mister president, it is.

It’s important that we get the facts right and hear from both sides “even if it makes your blood boil,” like Obama himself said. It’s important that we consider the acts before we speak, but President Obama declared himself judge and jury in the case of the police vs. Professor Gates and was proven wrong. It’s important that we have equal access to information, but Mr. Obama attempted to oust several news outlets from his campaign plane and subsequently the White House press room. It’s important that we hear both sides of a story, but the Obama White House has declared war on Fox. This is how Mr. Obama leads by example.

How is it possible that some people still see this president as a righteous and transcendental post-partisan figure? At what point will America recognize the antics of the president who grew up on the rough and tumble “Chicago Way” and whose mentors include Saul Alinsky, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and Terrorist William Ayers? Perhaps his dwindling approval rating declares they are awakening.

It’s time for this president to bring us a lot less pomp and a little more circumstance. Mr. Obama should take a serious look in the mirror when he feels the need to point a finger at others for the tone in Washington. That would be a change we could all believe in.

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Posted by Nick Stone on 8:27 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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