Weekly Web Roundup

Hey Drawnlines fans,

What do our sources say? You'll have to read the Drawnlines Blog to find out! We are excited to announce our new weekly roundup of news and blogs that you might have missed. Check it out every Friday (or maybe Saturday if we're slacking off) by signing up for Drawnlines Politics email alerts.

Around the web this week:

This is just a sample of the news we've rounded up. For more, check out Drawnlines Policy.

No Left Turns - "Confrontational Governor Cristie" takes on the media and reminds us why we love him.

American Elephants - What Radical Islam? AG Eric Holder won't even talk about Radical Islam by its name, let alone blame the movement for our terrorism worries.

The Next Right - 2010 Won't be Like 1994 (It Will be Bigger) - Patrick Ruffini talks about the metrics and circumstance that might make outdo 1994 Republican sweep this midterm cycle.

On Drawnlines Politics this week:

YouCut the Pork Out of Government - unveiling the GOP's new program, "YouCut"

Bloggers, Vloggers and Other Social Media Nuts - Syndicated columnist Sheela Venero and Drawnlines Politics editor Nick Stone talk about value and strategy of social media in winning elections.

As Goes the UK, So Goes the US - They gave us Lady Thatcher in 1979, then we gave the world Ronald Reagan in 1980. Is another Conservative Revolution upwelling across the pond, or will a hung parliament lead to gridlock?

When Has Iran Stood for Women's Rights? - Syndicated columnist Sheela Venero calls out the hypocrisy of sitting Iran on the UN Council on Womens Rights.

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Posted by Nick Stone on 10:05 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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