Tuesday is Conservative Ladies Night

by Nick Stone of Drawnlines Politics.

Today looks like it will be kind to many conservative women across the country.

As voters go to the polls in several states, polls give early indications that women running in Republican primaries have come from behind to edge out their male counterparts.

In California, Meg Whitman has parlayed her career success at eBay into a successful political campaign.  A few weeks ago, rival Steve Poizner had been closing in on Whitman, but fortunes have since reversed.  By focusing on jobs and spending cuts, Whitman has taken her self-financed campaign for governor to all parts of the state, held town halls and largely consolidated support among Republicans.  She will likely face Former Governor "Moonbeam" Jerry Brown in November.

Also in California, Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina has come back from her role as campaign co-chairman for John McCain for President in 2008 with her Senate campaign.  Having run second to moderate Tom Campbell throughout the race, Fiorina has steadily picked up endorsements from conservatives like Sarah Palin.  Since her recent debate performance - where the Wall Street Journal opined that Carly mopped the floor with her opponents on policy knowledge - she has catapulted into a strong first place.  Will her late rally prove itself today at the polls?

Across the country, South Carolina has proven once again why it is considered a bastion of dirty politics and bloody brawls.  Political junkies will well remember the Reagan-Connolly battle in 1980, the Bush-McCain bloodbath in 2000, and the near-fistfight between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008.  Lee Atwater would be proud of this year's Governor primary where Nikki Haley faces off against three Republican male challengers.  The frontrunner has taken everything from racist epithets to charges of infidelity, but strong resolve and loads of endorsements seem to have kept her in a comfortable lead.

And back West in Nevada comes the closest watched primary of the day.  Republicans Sharron Angle and Sue Lowden are battling for first place against Danny Tarkanian in the hotly contested race to challenge Majority Leader Harry Reid.  Tea Party-backed Angle has recently leapfrogged establishment candidate Sue Lowden in polls, though recent revalations about Angle might make this race tighter than anticipated.  It also might not hurt Lowden that Senator Reid's campaign let it slip that he would rather run against Angle in November.

Not-so-great news seems possible for incumbent Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln, who might lose today's runoff election against challenger Lt. Governor Bill Halter.  Halter has activated union support and the party's liberal base to challenge Lincoln from the left.  Lincoln has the support of Presidents Clinton and Obama, a significant warchest, and ideology more closely aligned with the state's electorate- but if she can't get support from undecided Democrats today, she's toast.  Either candidate would likely be in serious trouble against Republican John Boozman in November.

Find out tonight if predictions will pan out.  For now, conservative women appear poised to carry the Republican torch into some very exciting midterm elections.  We'll be watching closely.

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Posted by Nick Stone on 9:32 AM. Filed under , , , , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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