What You Didn't See at Presidency 5 Debate

by Nick Stone of Drawnlines Politics:

Romney Campaign M-I-A.

Rick Santorum had hot teenage girls walking around in tight tee shirts that passed out propaganda while they flirted with unsuspecting men.  Rick Perry's peeps were around every corner slapping stickers on convention attendees.  They. Were. Relentless.  Indeed each campaign from Jon Huntsman to Herman Cain had at least a few loyalists with clipboards and flyers, ready to capture an undecided activist.

But not Mitt Romney.  The Romney booth was a truly pitiful sight.  There was no staffer to answer questions.  There were no bumper stickers or mailers.  There was a clipboard on an empty table soliciting contact info.  When I gave Mitt my name, I was the fifth on the list to do so.  Fifth.  It was a major failure of the Romney campaign apparatus.

Big Red Tent

I know the picture in your mind when someone talks about CPAC and other conservative gatherings.  It's a bunch of white, suburban gun owners.  That's just not so - at least it's not exclusively so.  I sat next to a wonderful young lady who confided in me that she was scared to death by fringe rhetoric from Governor Perry regarding his disbelief in evolution.  In each direction, active young people were cutting their teeth in conservative politics.  Every hue from ivory to midnight was present, with one crucial binding - the unflinching belief that Obama can serve no more than one term as President.

Perry-Romney Bromance

Before the debate began and during the breaks, the candidates often left their podiums to mingle with friends and one another.  But what struck me as most interesting was the camaraderie between Governors Romney and Perry.  The two men, placed next to one another anyway, stood in very close personal space laughing and joking about God-knows-what.  To contrast the chill between the men while the cameras were on against the behind-the-scenes buddies was just fascinating.

Posted by Nick Stone on 3:14 AM. Filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

1 comments for What You Didn't See at Presidency 5 Debate

  1. Lovely post. Now, how did you feel when the majority of those in attendance (your party) booed the soldier who asked about DADT's repeal? That must make you feel great. I can't say how it'd feel to know that the party I supported would relegate me to a second class citizen if it had the opportunity.

    To this day it floors me that the author of this blog supported Hillary Clinton - a candidate who would have governed so much further to the left of President Obama that'd it make his head spin.

    Talk about sore loser.

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