This Young Republican is Voting for Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney for President 2012

by Nick Stone of Drawnlines Politics:

Am I the only one who thinks Republicans have a lot to be proud of this campaign season?

With a field full of accomplished conservatives running for president in the GOP race, you'd think Republican voters would be like kids in a candy store, with too many goodies in sight to pick just one. Indeed they are finding it hard to choose a candidate, but that's because they don't find anyone particularly appealing.


"Jesus isn't on the ballot," quipped one Christian conservative leader. And surely the Republican candidate will be a mere mortal, with battle scars, decisions that alienated someone, and a few past mistakes. So we're going to have to slap ourselves into reality a little bit.  But that is no reason to fret our field, especially compared with President Obama's dismal record.

For me, I've found my comfort zone with Mitt Romney. His background in the private sector proved he knows how the real economy works (for better and for worse) and his experience as governor proved he can effectively move the wheels of government (ditto).

Many pundits worry aloud that if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee, staunch conservatives won't be fired up enough to go to the polls in November. Really? Even if they are not over the moon about Mitt, they should at least be fired up about thwarting a second Obama term. The elusive group of Independent voters are quite warm to Mitt and appear ready to cross Obama off their dance cards if the right suitor comes around. And for crossover appeal, their only choices are Romney or Paul. That should be a very easy choice.

Mitt is the clear winner on the questions of electability, leadership and pragmatic conservative governance. He is steady, sure, and 100 percent pro-America. He has earned my vote.

But hey, those other guys aren't bad either.

Posted by Drawnlines Politics on 10:34 AM. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

1 comments for This Young Republican is Voting for Mitt Romney

  1. I can not WAIT until you have to deal with another four years of President Obama. Just like your "crystal ball" that Palin was "exactly the right choice" or that McCain would win, Romeny (a flip-flopper who made a career on laying people off) will lose and you'll be forced to continue your streak about being wrong on just about everything.

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