BHO and JFK: Profiles in Courage?

The comparison of now iconic Barack Obama to long-iconic JFK never used to sit well with me, but as the General Election gains momentum right before my eyes, I admit I see the similarities... and I'm amused.

Will our next acronym president be BHO? Well, let's not get too presumptuous.

Over the past few weeks, BHO has been traversing not only the country but indeed the world to meet with foreign leaders all too eager to get a piece of him, as though he already was our president. Only, it's awfully early to be counting electoral votes. Let us not forget that at this point in election cycle 1988, Dukakis was well ahead of Bush, by 12-15 points. Still, the history books show that Bush ended up winning a landslide that November.

History has preserved JFK in a good light, as it does to most leaders and icons that perish in tragedy. Only, we are too quick to forget the realities that JFK faced that November day.

Kennedy blazed onto the scene as a young man promising sweeping change. He had a background that some viewed suspiciously (he was a Catholic). Though many believed he was unqualified to become president, his theme of high aspirations and 'getting America moving' galvanized many voters who had previously been disaffected. These themes may sound familiar to you.

In 1963, Kennedy faced several challenges including a deadlocked with Congress and a tough upcoming re-election. In fact, he was in Texas campaigning that day because he was worried he wouldn't win Texas the following year. At the time, Democrats didn't lose Texas ever. Many people today forget just how ineffectual Kennedy really was because the reality of his much-failed presidency was overshadowed by his untimely and horrible assassination.

Today, despite his rock star image and allegedly broad appeal, Obama may never materialize into a Kennedy revival for one reason: he might not get elected.

Campaigning should be a cakewalk for Obama because:
  • The Republican brand is severely tarnished
  • He's a fundraising machine
  • "New Voters" are voting for him
  • The Press love him

Yet, despite these factors, the bounce he should have gotten from Clinton backing out of the race and endorsing him, the bounce he should have gotten from his Iraq visit, and the bounce he should have gotten from his Europe trip, he only leads McCain by 2.9 points according to Real Clear Politics.

In fact, this awe inspiring candidate is doing far worse than Joe Schmoe Democrat. RCP shows that in a generic ballot where Americans choose a Republican or Democrat just by brand name, the Democrat wins on average by 12 points. OUCH! In plain English: Obama is doing almost 10 points worse than an actual empty suit.

So, will Michelle Obama ever be the next Jackie O.? Maybe not this time, anyway.

Posted by Nick Stone on 6:58 AM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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