Why I'm Joining the Republicans

Posted by Nick Stone on 12:23 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

5 comments for Why I'm Joining the Republicans

  1. I LOVE IT!!!
    Truer words were never said, so honored to know you and very glad that you are in this fight too! I will spread the word and make sure all my friends do the same! Have to get ready to go to a TAX DAY TEA PARTY today! Keep up the good fight!


  2. Melody-

    Are you serious? You're actually participating in Tax Day Tea Party? What exactly are you protesting? The tax rates that have not been increased since the early 1990s?

    You're ridiculous.

    And Nick, you've finally gone off the deep end.

  3. I agree with Anonymous: You've finally gone off the deep end. Throughout this entire blog you are using typical Rush-style GOP talking points (some are years old!). You're much smarter than that. What happened??

    There are so many things I'd like to say about your site, but out of the sake of our friendship I won't, except that in a previous entry I found your ghetto-Obama picture offensive. Was that other picture of Nancy Pelosi supposed to suggest she was using tax payer money to buy jewelry or were you stereotyping women as bumbling idiots that are only good at buying things?

  4. Welcome home buddy. Republicans aren't perfect, but they sure look a heckuva lot better than the Democrats.

    To the anonymous person who asked what exactly the tea parties are protesting:
    high existing taxes (duh), wasteful spending, uncontrolled 1-way growth of government, and the inevitable increase in taxes which will be needed to pay for the new spending under Obama. Obama and his minions make the Bush years look like fiscal conservatism.

  5. Thanks for the welcome, David. I hope you come back and add your voice to the Drawnlines Blog. See you soon.

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