Proud Whole Foods Republican

by Nick Stone of Drawnlines Politics.

I was really struck yesterday by reading the WSJ article "Whole Foods Republicans" about the GOP's base, where it was and where it is going.  In particular, the idea that the Republican party lost college graduates in 2008 for the first time since the 1970s was devastating.  Considering how many people constantly tell me that my party (see below for more on "my party") is alienating "educated people" despite the fact that we consistently do carry college graduates, it is incumbent upon me the importance of not losing this group again.

To be clear, I was driven out of my previous party because my party left me and I refused to go with it.  I enjoy President Reagan as quite possibly my favorite president in history, and have for a long time.  He saved America from a period of extended malaise, revived patriotism, saved the economy, reversed decades of increased taxation and regulation, and effectively won the cold war.  On a more personal note, he had Alzheimer's disease as two of my grandparents had.  He was also an ex-Democrat who grew disgusted over time.  The party that gave us Roosevelt also gave us Wilson.  The same party of Kennedy was also the party of Johnson.  And the party of Carter was also the party of Clinton.  Now, whichever in these examples you consider the villain and whichever the hero, the point is that the Democratic party has constantly gone through battles over its soul in modern history.  

Many long-time readers will remember my infinite affection for Hillary Clinton developed from the 2008 primary campaign.  Much like Joe Scarborough, I went from Clinton skeptic to Clinton sucker as the tough candidate showed her mastry of detail and of perseverence in the face of unimaginable adversity.  She also was on the right side of the battle of the Democratic soul (according to me, take that with a grain of salt) in the epic Blue battle.  But alas, she lost that battle.

Let me be the first to agree that the Republican party could stand to grow its base.  That is not however to say that the party needs to water down its message or its principles.  But messaging and, frankly - showing up in the first place - is exceptionally important to those who you'd like to win over.  As a gay Republican who is also a young person, I know the importance of a party making you feel included.  The Democrats were once the only party talking to me.  Then I got involved in South Florida politics and couldn't believe the open arms of the local GOP.

But the party that shed blood to free the slaves and fought Dixiecrats to eliminate Jim Crow might surprise you in its diversity, because it stands up for everybody.  The party that actually had a woman on its ticket last year could teach the party that destroyed several womens characters a thing or two about empowering individuals.  And the party that ran and elected all three Latinos in the South Florida congressional delegation might have a message to deliver to runaway liberals in Honduras, Venezuela and Cuba.

I don't mind saying it.  The GOP is fighting for its soul right now just like the Democrats have so many times through history.  But rather than throwing rocks from the outside, this writer is exceptionally proud to be on the inside meeting and greeting and bending ears.  Reconsidering priorities can be a wonderful opportunity for a party to regroup and reconcile.  We will emerge a stronger, better, and even more diverse party.

For now, I shall enjoy my all natural chicken and vegetables, sold to me by employees who love their employer sponsored health savings accounts.  While I'm checking out, I'll think about what it means to be a conservative in a country that bled for its freedom from oppressive government.  And I will not be alone.

This is just the beginning of the examples, of course.  Read my normal reading material on the policy tab of the website:

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Posted by Nick Stone on 10:28 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

1 comments for Proud Whole Foods Republican

  1. I liked the Whole Foods Republicans article as well- posted it at Facebook and tweeted it out. My hope is that it truly is indicative of the future of the GOP.

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