Congressman Lynch? Yes, If We Care Enough

by Nick Stone of Drawnlines Politics.

Voters in Palm Beach County and Broward County Florida will soon go to the polls in District FL-19 for a special election to replace Congressman Wexler. This heavily Democratic district would usually be a shoo-in for any Democrat, and State Senator Ted Deutch thinks he's going to have a cakewalk ahead of him.

But do conservative voters have the stomach and wherewithal to stand up against the radical Obama agenda of Cap and Tax, Government No-Healthcare, union takeovers, etc? Edward Lynch thinks they do, and he wants conservatives to take back the people's seat by electing him to Congress.

Dick Morris thinks the GOP has a chance to pull off another upset, like Scott Brown in Massachussetts. In a special election, anything can happen. That's the magic that Republicans need to repeat on Tuesday April 13th, if they care enough to be heard.

Check out his new video here:

If you agree with Edward Lynch that it's time to say a resounding "NO" to Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, then you have a stake in this election. To make your voice heard, go to and see how you can help take back the people's seat today!

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Posted by Nick Stone on 1:40 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

1 comments for Congressman Lynch? Yes, If We Care Enough

  1. Obama is barely a moderate, let alone a "radical liberal." Why must you consistently characterize him as such? There's no public option or single payer healthcare, he's allowing for drilling on the east coast, he's ordered more attacks on terrorist hotspots in Pakistan than GWB ever did, he's keeping rendition and military tribunal policies hated by the left and repealing DADT, another major initiative, is supported by 69% of the American public. Cap and Trade was even supported by a number of Republicans the first time around. So I fail to see where he's a "radical." MAYBE if you're going to include the stimulus package, that could be construed as a "liberal" move. But it, at the very least, saved us from an economic meltdown and things have since stabilized. It also fixed lots of potholes and bridges in my neighborhood.

    As far as your characterization of "Obama No-Healthcare." I really have a hardtime stomaching these attacks. Even if you disagree with the fact that there's now a mandate for health insurance (even though the majority of the general public foots the bill for the millions without health insurance), how can you possibly argue that it's "No Healthcare" when it flatly allows for MILLIONS of people, including kids, access to health insurance, an in turn, health care, that they could have never had before. No American should EVER GO BANKRUPT because they can't get health insurance and then have an illness. The bill helps that to become a reality. After paying hundreds of dollars a month for health insurance, my mother got ovarian cancer and was kicked off her policy mid-way through chemo. Luckily medicare paid for some of the remainder. But, such acts are just wrong. Without this bill, she might never have been able to obtain health insurance again -- now she can. It might not be perfect, but you can not argue that it doesn't help people or that it doesn't give anybody healthcare. You can't even argue it hurts the insurance companies, they are getting thirty million new subscribers. You teabaggers love to hug the constitution, though most in that movement have never read it, which clearly states one of the objectives of the document was to "promote the general welfare." The health care bill, though imperfect, does just that.

    You originally supported Hillary. Something tells me that her support for any number of these policies, were she President, would be met by your approval.

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