Pass the Teacher Merit Pay Bill

by Nick Stone of Drawnlines Politics.

The group CIVIC Concern is sending out emails urging people to sign a petition against Florida Senate Bill 6 (SB 6) and it's House counterpart HB 7189, commonly referred to as the "Teacher Merit Pay Bill." It is largely seen as Florida's answer to President Obama's "Race to the Top" program, which requires states to provide innovative plans to improve education in exchange for federal grants to subsidize their implementation.

The bill, sponsored by GOP Chairman Senator John Thrasher (R-St. Augustine), passed the Senate on a 21-17 vote with all Democrats being joined by four Republicans to vote against it. But not everyone thinks the bill is a bad idea.

"This is a bill that really focuses on trying to help children and encouraging better teachers," Governor Crist said. "It pays better teachers more and that just seems like the right thing to do."

If the bill passes the Florida House today as expected, it might to straight to the governor's desk. But that only happens if the House can pass the bill with the exact Senate language. Otherwise the Senate has to vote all over again first. Sound familiar (Obamacare reconciliation)?

Teachers unions say that the bill will "turn classrooms into test prep factories" and "drive good teachers out of public schools."  They also claim that it would "prohibit school districts from placing any weight on advanced degrees or years of experience in their pay rate."  One teacher complains about the bill in an open letter to state lawmakers:

"It threatens my job security by assuring that if an administrator does not like me, for whatever reason, they have the right to terminate me at the end of each year, for any reason or for no reason. With my current administration, I foresee no problems. I adore my principal and my assistant principals and enjoy an excellent relationship with each of them. However, there is certainly no guarantee that my administration will still be here next year, or the next, or the next. Currently, my school has a letter grade of D (despite earning the points necessary for a C, we were knocked down to a D because of “insufficient learning gains among the lowest 25%”), meaning we are a Correct II school, meaning that if FCAT scores do not bring us back up to at least a C this year, we will likely lose most (if not all) of our administration. I have fantastic administration and would be devastated to lose them. Even more, I am scared of who could come in. This bill operates on the assumption (which I also heard on the Senate floor and in the House Pre K-12 Committee) that no administrator would want to get rid of a highly effective teacher. Unfortunately, this assumption is simply faulty. While I have never had a problem with my administration in the four years that I have been teaching at this school, I have many friends working in difficult schools that have had their administration changed frequently, who have had many problems with administrators who contradict one another, belittle them in front of their students, etc. And these are excellent teachers. While I am passionate about my job and love what I teach, and believe that I am highly effective in my teaching, and I think this is quite evident to my current administration, I am also very politically involved and very active in my teachers’ union, and this is threatening to some administrators. This bill would allow a principal who felt irritated or menaced by these activities or interests to essentially fire me. (I am sure that you will point out that, as I was hired before July 2010, I already have a professional service contract and will be “grandfathered in” and that therefore my own contract is not threatened by this. Awaiting further investigation of these claims, I speak therefore on behalf of any new teacher entering the field.)"

At least give the lady credit for admitting that she's heavily involved with the union while making a partisan case against bill passage. Nevermind that she "forsees no problem with her current administration" despite the school's current "D" grade, nor her reminder that FCAT scores already provide for evaluation and relocation of personnel resources from schools where they produce insufficient results. One cannot help but ask, "Why should the administrators be guaranteed their jobs back next year anyway?" Still, her story is a near carbon copy of all teachers and union bosses that have expressed outrage thus far.

Conservatives have a different view on the matter.  The group Foundation for Florida's Future says that claims against the bill are false, urging its passage. They claim that "good teachers will be "finally rewarded."  In addition to their television ad, a recent press release claims:

"The bill requires higher salaries for teachers:
1. who work in high-poverty schools,
2. who teach a subject area with a shortage of educators, such as teaching students with disabilities, or subjects such as math and science, and
3. whose students make progress.

The Florida Chamber of Commerce urges passage of the Merit Pay Bill and has put out a "Myths vs Facts" page for readers on the fence. On their page, the Chamber says that despite union spin, the bill will not reduce current pay for any teachers. They add that the bill will include allowances for exceptional circumstances, learning-impaired students and other factors outside of test scores.

Florida's Education Commissioner Eric J Smith also urges passage. "This is what Race to the Top is about, connecting student achievement to evaluations and compensation," Smith said. "It comes back to our capacity to deliver." On the finer points of the bill he adds, "We have a chance to pass a good law and work with our teachers to get it passed," Smith said, noting the bill provides three years for writing rules and procedures. "If we can get some benefit of Race to the Top funding, that would be helpful. But not essential."

The Republican Party of Florida has released a statement of support:  "The reform bill will not only support Florida's teachers in a positive manner, but also will help ensure our state has a highly skilled, dynamic workforce in the future."

Bottom Line:  This bill has details which are still to be worked out, and hopefully the teachers will come on board to make implementation mutually agreeable. Like most compromises, it is imperfect to every party.  But SB 6 goes a long way toward rewarding exceptional teachers and does nothing to take money away from unexceptional teachers.  It does however provide a mechanism to identify (and thus weed out) poor teachers that have been protected by a failed system for far too long.  The bill also provides safety nets against good teachers being punished for tough situations.  If a teacher can come in and improve a failing school, she gets a bonus.  If she can't, what good is she to the students anyway?  We need to know the difference between a good teacher and a great teacher, and reward excellence.  This concept and this bill are long overdue.

Pass. The. Bill.

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