Governor Crist Please Sign SB 6

by Nick Stone of Drawnlines Politics.

Today I decided to open to Drawnlines readers my letter to Governor Charlie Crist urging him to sign SB 6, the so-called Teacher Merit Pay Bill.

TO:  The Honorable Charlie Crist
FROM:  Nicholas Stone
DATE:  Monday April 12th, 2010
RE:  Please Sign Senate Bill 6

Dear Governor Crist:

Florida has a once in a lifetime opportunity to lead the way in education reform, and you have a once in a lifetime opportunity to stand with the students of Florida.  I urge you to sign Senate Bill 6 on Friday.

Senator Thrasher's bill -like any bill- is imperfect.  It doesn't provide all of the answers, but it lays a solid foundation for real education reform in the state of Florida.  The bill breaks down roadblocks that keep bad teachers in the classroom for a lifetime of guaranteed mediocrity.  It finally rewards the many teachers that go that extra mile for their students.  It allows Florida to redouble our efforts to target and improve failing schools, and provides plenty of opportunity for improvement.  This good bill also provides leeway for special situations and students with extra needs.

As a graduate of Florida's public schools, I can add my name to the list of many stories of great teachers who were never rewarded for their extra time and effort in the classroom.  The public education I received in this state allowed me the opportunity to go to a great university in Florida, get a great job here in Florida, and hopefully one day raise a family here in Florida.  I wish I could go back and personally thank the many teachers who went the extra mile to make sure I would excel.  My way of thanking them is to ask you to encourage them on my behalf to continue their extraordinary efforts.  Please help me thank the many great teachers in our state by finally rewarding them for their great service.

Governor, Senate Bill 6 is a good bill that needs your support.

Will Florida continue to soar past other states in educational achievement or will we allow more ambitious states to leave our children in the dust?  During your time as governor, Florida has made tremendous gains in the areas of reading, math, and science as well as graduation rates and college readiness.  We cannot stop aiming ever higher now.

This week, you will either stand with Florida students or you will stand with the teachers' unions.  You will choose to fight for reform or you will be the hostage of special interests.  Please make the right choice.  Sign SB 6 and make Florida the leader in education reform.  Our students are counting on you.

Dutifully yours,

Nicholas Stone

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