Gingrich-Cain Debate Shows American Statesmanship Cain and Gingrich Share a Laugh at Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and business mogul Herman Cain squared off in a Lincoln-Douglas style debate in Texas on Saturday.  It was the first of several one-on-one debates the men are expected to participate in during the primary election cycle.

Cain and Gingrich drew little distance from one another as they discussed health care, Social Security and Medicare.  With great poise and respect, the two allowed each other to explain their ideas fully and elaborate where necessary.  Not only did the competitors completely avoid any "gotcha moments", but they actually gave one another a great deal of latitude and support.

Though the two men largely agreed on policy, the debate was hardly a yawn. Speaker Gingrich reminded the audience about a few historical points of interest: unintended consequences from wage and price controls beginning in 1943, and budget gimmicks which took Social Security funds to decrease the budget deficit beginning in 1968.  Mr. Cain used Social Security reform as one more reason to implement his famous 9-9-9 plan.  At the end of the debate, Cain pinned Gingrich to the wall by asking him a hilarious question only two men with such camaraderie could appreciate.

Where the two competitors did disagree, they invariably did so without being disagreeable. As true statesmen would, they kept differences strictly to policy without veering into the personal realm and kept the conversation polite and productive.  Speaking from the heart on matters of the day, the two candidates showed mastery of policy and purity of conservatism. They spoke boldly about a fundamental shift in the relationship between the people and government in their America. The conversation was both intriguing and inspiring. 

Let us hope for the good of America that future debates look more like the Gingrich-Cain debate and less like the soundbite slugfests typical of a presidential campaign.  This is how democratic debate is supposed to work.

More great recaps from the Gingrich-Cain debate are available from The Week and Human Events.  The statesmen took the occasion one step further by participating in a joint interview with Neal Boortz after the event.

Posted by Nick Stone on 9:55 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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