Numbers Don't Lie

After the Democratic National Convention, it took a few days to see any bounce in the polls. Then it hit. Obama went from a dead heat with McCain to about a 7 pt lead over him. A 6 pt bounce is typical coming out of a convention, and he did one point better. Bravo.

But it took a few days to happen, and it didn't last long. AND, let's not forget, that number is still an underperformance against any blind Democrat/Republican poll, which now shows Democrats leading by about 10 points.

Now, John McCain and Sarah Palin have rallied their base, shown strong leadership, and dominated the news cycle for about a week straight. Today's CBS poll shows Obama and McCain again in a dead heat, 42/42... and that's before McCain's speech last night.

That alone is a bounce back from polls just a few days ago, and the Republicans have the momentum. In addition to the facts, the expectation game is also in favor of the GOP. McCain is clearly the underdog, but he's got a newly hastened base of footsoldiers dead set to frantically talk to their neighbors, open their wallets, wave signs, and scream until their voices strain. They will blog. They will rally. They will realpolitik. And they will work to turn the tide before election day.

You see, avid supporters of an underdog are far more likely to put their all into an election, because they feel relevant and needed. Barack Obama's supporters must know this feeling best of all, and now they should be afraid - very afraid - of the wave of support coming a them full speed from the right.

Posted by Nick Stone on 8:54 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

3 comments for Numbers Don't Lie

  1. Why are you so busy defending Sarah Palin's experience, but not busy arguing against her extremist right-wing views? The women tried to ban books (Harry Potter and Catcher in the Rye included)! from the school library, is against gay marriage and has been a member of a secessionist party!

    All your diatribes about her are related to her experience, but you don't seem to care this women has openly never read the constitution, "never thought much about Iraq," got her passport last year (!). This women should not be Vice President.

  2. Oh hey, take a look:

  3. Anonymous,

    Current polls should be more than enough to wipe that sarcastic look from your anonymous face.

    But, I'm happy to concede the point that she is in fact a conservative.

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