Obama Approval Slides into Negative Territory
Posted by Nick Stone
6:13 AM
RCP: Obama Approval Upside Down |
For the first time in two and a half months, President Obama's net approval rating has gone into negative territory. The president's poll numbers have been on a steady decline since taking office with the exception of two blips: the Arizona shooting that injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the capture and killing of Osama Bin Ladin. Following those two events, the American people rallied around the president with some renewed support. That support proved to be soft and short-lived, as Obama pressed on with an unpopular agenda. With an economy in trouble, high jobless numbers, and out of control Washington spending, more Americans blame the president than now credit him. According to
Real Clear Politics, 46.8 percent disapprove while only 46.3 percent approve of his job performance. With a high stakes debt deal on the table and a $1 billion re-election campaign gearing up, the president will likely be looking for another miracle to turn his ratings around in short order.
Posted by Nick Stone
on 6:13 AM.
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